News & Updates
November 2020
Boo! Is that word because of the trick or treating that recently went on (in limited capacity) or is that word for the sad state of affairs that musicians face right now with rising covid numbers? A trickle of hope has appeared briefly with drive in concerts and limited seating indoor events, but do you really want to watch a band that has their faces a foot from a piece of plexiglass or being told you have to sit at your designated table and can’t mingle or dance? We even heard of one venue that went to a local arena and bought used plexiglass with hockey puck marks all over it! Kudos to the venues that are trying to make it happen and stay alive and not go out of business…but it just isn’t a rock show any more.
Video #3 from the new album has had some delays and things had to be redone but we push on and hope to have it ready for everyone very soon. Keep sending us your home (phone) videos of you dancing, singing, acting or just goofing off to our song Feelin’ Alright so we can make that video to include you!
The oncoming cold weather and the rising covid numbers will certainly get people down but remember that it will end eventually and we will have to accept the new normal, whatever that looks like. Can’t see a band live…support them by buying some merchandise. Any and all bands will greatly appreciate it at this time.
We keep on writing new tunes for you with an optimistic outlook, so stay healthy stay safe and if you’re house bound, have that extra beer, shot or glass of wine…you deserve it!